Treasure Hunt Ostrava - Team Building Activity in the Steel City

Treasure Hunt Ostrava - Team Building Activity in the Steel City

Uncover the secrets of the steel heart of Northern Moravia with the team building activity Treasure Hunt Ostrava. Whether you're a lover of history, architecture, or just seeking an exciting adventure, this unique game will take you through the most significant places in Ostrava.

Find 35 treasures using our tablet based map app. Get ready for three thrilling hours of gameplay and immerse yourself in an unforgettable atmosphere!

What to Look Forward to in Ostrava

Ostrava, often referred to as the "Steel Heart of the Republic," is a city with a rich industrial history. Initially known for its coal mines, it later became a hub for heavy industry and steelworks.

Today, this industrial past is evident in the city's unique architecture and culture, offering extraordinary scenes for team activity Treasure Hunt.

Stodolní Street - A Crossroads of Cultures and Hospitality

A place that Treasure Hunt Ostrava cannot miss is Stodolní Street. This unique phenomenon is famous for its vibrant atmosphere, where various cultures and styles intersect.

With over a hundred bars, restaurants, and clubs offering diverse entertainment options, Stodolní Street is a fantastic place not just for treasure hunting.

Silesian Ostrava Castle

You shouldn't miss the Silesian Ostrava Castle, which proudly stands over the city. This medieval fortress is filled with historical mysteries and stories waiting to be unveiled.

When visiting the castle, you'll feel the spirit of the past and appreciate the breathtaking view of Ostrava.

Lower Vítkovice and Bolt Tower

While you won't reach this location with the Treasure Hunt Ostrava program, it's certainly a place you should visit as part of your corporate event.

Lower Vítkovice bears witness to the transformation from an industrial past to a modern cultural and educational center.

The jewel of Lower Vítkovice is the Bolt Tower, a beautifully renovated mining tower, which offers a fascinating view of the entire city.

Uncover the Secrets of Ostrava

Imagine immersing yourself in the atmosphere of Ostrava's industrial history while trying to uncover the mysteries hidden within our game.

Treasure Hunt Ostrava is more than just a team building activity - it's a journey into the depths of the history and culture of this steel city.

With 35 treasures waiting for you, our game will guide you through places you might never have discovered on your own.

So, what do you think? Ready for an adventure?